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Malone, Mary Kathryn

Malone, Mary Kathryn
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Mary Kathryn Malone  began her career in journalism in 1992 and has never stopped being curious about people. Over the past two decades she  has been a producer, a statistician, a moderator, and a teacher—often wearing more than one hat at a time. Her work has helped companies launch new products, attract new customers, develop killer ads, and build stronger brands.

Mary K. is a generalist and has worked in a variety of industries: consumer products, higher education, healthcare, and leisure, but she has deep experience on which to draw, making her the perfect research partner.

In addition to all things research, Mary K. makes it a point to give back. She has served as a member of the External Advisory Board of the A.C. Nielsen Center, volunteers on the Vision5K marketing committee, helps grant wishes for the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and runs marketing workshops for entrepreneurial women at the Center for Women and Enterprise.

Mary K. earned an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she was an A.C. Nielsen Research Scholar. She is a member of several professional groups and regularly participates  in seminars and trainings at many of the research industry's leading organizations.

To reach Mary K. directly:

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Qualitative Tips, Tricks, and Trends by Mary Kathryn Malone
Qualitative Tips, Tricks, and Trends by Mary Kathryn Malone
Tips for making the most of qualitative research